Sedna Magnus
From Baten Kaitos Wiki
Gathering Number | Name | Location |
630 | Sedna Bridge セドナの橋 |
Defeat Sandfeeder |
631 | Sedna Mailbox セドナのポスト |
Naos: Globe in Seph's room |
632 | Sedna Toadstones 1 セドナのきのこ石1 |
Defeat first enemy on left in Lava Caves |
633 | Sedna House 1 セドナの民家1 |
Defeat Lord of Lava Caves |
634 | Sedna Flower Bed セドナの花壇 |
Give Eau de Mouche to Celeb Lady (screen left of the port) in Sheliak |
635 | Sedna Bluefruit Tree セドナの青の果樹 |
Defeat Bar-Mool - Celestial River |
636 | Sedna Monument セドナのモニュメント |
Ladekahn's throne in Elnath |
637 | Sedna Peach Tree セドナの桃の果樹 |
Chest in Cloudvents |
638 | Sedna Beanstalk セドナの豆の木 |
Shining on ground in Cujam after town is deserted |
639 | Sedna Fence セドナの柵 |
Take 3 Chronic Fatigue from bartender in Pherkad pub |
640 | Sedna Weathervane セドナの風見鶏 |
Talk to fantail in barn in Celebrai |
641 | Sedna Fern セドナのぜんまい |
Chest in far-left screen, Moonguile Forest |
642 | Sedna House 2 セドナの民家2 |
Chest on roof of Rodolfo's place |
643 | Sedna Ebonstone Sculpture セドナの黒い石像 |
Fight turtle enemy in Holoholo Jungle (Spell Shellfish drops it) |
644 | Sedna Mill House セドナの水車小屋 |
Buy in Komo Mai shop |
645 | Sedna Waterwheel セドナの水車 |
Win from guy in Sedna Mill House |
646 | Sedna Pow House セドナのうしぶたの家 |
Give Holoholo Fruit to Oliphant in Opu |
647 | Sedna Windmill セドナの風車小屋 |
Chest in Celestial Tree (pass door to Veinroots in the cable car - chest on far left) |
648 | Sedna Orange Tree セドナの橙の果樹 |
Chest near entrance, Atria (past) |
649 | Sedna Pier セドナの桟橋 |
Trade mask guy Mountain Apple Wine and draw magna essence from Ancient Mask on right to create a path to the chest |
650 | Sedna Toadstones 2 セドナのきのこ石2 |
Buy in Algorab Shop |
651 | Sedna Odd Sculpture セドナの謎の彫刻 |
Complete Sedna Immigration Sidequest |
652 | Sedna Main Gate セドナの正面ゲート |
In chest in pit with Saber Dragon, Nekkar |
653 | Sedna House 3 セドナの民家3 |
Interrupt bather in bath-house, Vega |
654 | Sedna Well セドナの井戸 |
Defeat Lanocaulis, far-left screen, Matar Highlands |
655 | Sedna's Light セドナの光 |
Sealed chest in Endmost Bethel will open after you have all other Sedna magnus |