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<-- Sagi
Milliarde -->

Concept art from Baten Kaitos: Origins Art Book

Guillo is one of the main playable characters in Baten Kaitos: Origins. Character blurb here.

Baten Kaitos: Origins

"Quote goes here"

‎Voice Actors: TC Carson & Maura Gale (English), Tetsuo Komura & Yukari Nozawa (Japanese)


Guillo accompanies Sagi as his paramachina when Sagi is employed by the Dark Service. When Sagi is awoken in the middle of the night for an urgent mission, all service members are authorized use of their paramachina and Sagi goes to retrieve his from the locker room. Sagi releases Guillo from one of the machina pods and they discuss the need for Guillo to remain silent around others to avoid drawing attention, as paramachina can’t talk normally.

Sagi is to lead a group of soldiers and their paramachina to assassinate Emperor Olgan, but when they find the Emperor already dead and are framed, Guillo leaps in front of Sagi, absorbing the gunfire from the opposing squad of servicemen. The pair of them flee the mansion, but encounter a hideous monster that slaughters their two fellow servicemen. Stuck between the seemingly invulnerable monster and the pursuing empire soldiers, Guillo begins to glow with an intense energy and attacks the monster with intense physical precision and finally delivers a killing blow through the skull, while Sagi passes out.

On the Run

A moment later, Sagi wakes up and Guillo admits to killing the monster, with instructions on how to do so filling its head. With no time to dwell on Sagi’s dream or Guillo’s compelled state, the two continue their escape from the Emperor’s mansion.

A man beckons them into a secret passage that leads through the sewers to the streets of Mintaka. With little option but to trust the stranger, they accept his lead and escape through the sewers.

Guillo expresses distaste for the rankness of the sewers as they surface in Mintaka, where the city is on high alert looking for the two of them. Sagi determines that they should find a liner to Hassaleh to which Guillo protests, but Sagi argues that since he never told the Dark Service where he’s from they’d never think to look there.

On their way to the port, the pair is attacked by a large group of imperial soldiers, including Giacomo. A mysterious girl leaps to their rescue and fends off the soldiers, introducing herself as Milliarde. Guillo is immediately suspicious of her ‘evil vibrations’, but she joins the party despite their wishes.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. … You could drop a ton of bricks on her, and the bricks would be helpless. Sheltered girl... Was it a bomb shelter?”

The trio enter Nusakan Thornwoods and Guillo complains about feeling sick whenever being in the Thornwoods. It’s revealed that when Sagi was a little kid, he found Guillo buried in the Thornwoods and Guillo doesn’t have any memories from before meeting Sagi. The only clue is that it hurts to be in the Thornwoods.

Guillo accompanies Sagi to Sheratan where they catch up with Gena and the rest of the town for several days along with helping out with chores. When Tik and Wacho return from Lake Botein, they bring back rumors of a huge monster in the lake that might be connected to the recent disappearances in the village. The trio go to the lake to investigate and sure enough see the silhouette of a large creature swimming in the water that looks like the one back at the Emperor’s Residence. They work to drain the lake and save all of the missing villagers. The monster attacks them and like last time they are overwhelmed until Guillo begins to glow and attack the monster, swiftly dispatching it. Unlike last time, Guillo remembers the entire ordeal and speculates that it “may have been made for the sole purpose of killing these things.” With more villagers to find, the group moves on saying they can talk more about the implications later.

When they return to Sheratan, a troop of imperial soldiers is waiting for them with Valara in the lead, piloting a large machina arma. Despite doing their best to defend themselves and village, the trio has no chance of winning against such a powerful machina. Cornered by Valara and her arma, the trio are saved by the lake monster jumping into the fray and ripping into the machina. Guillo and the others leap out of the way just in time to avoid Valara’s arma’s laser blast that shears through the monster and also a chunk of Hasseleh. Sagi passes out. Unlike last time, Guillo and Milly arrive in the same other world with Sagi this time. While the group of strangers asks ‘Marno’ if he’s alright, they don’t seem to see or hear Guillo or Milly at all. With their best option for answers being the group of strangers, the trio follow them towards a place called Naos through Sandfeeder Hollow. When they encounter the Sandfeeder itself, the other group of strangers can’t seem to damage it at all with their magic, but Sagi, Guillo, and Milly defeat the creature with ease. Guillo notices that their magic seems very similar to its own, maybe even stronger.

“Like that's saying much. Still, not even the teachers at the School of Magic wielded spells like that!”

“Did you just insult my magic? Don't make me torch you just to prove a point, wench!”

Sagi gets one of his headaches again and the trio return to the present, where the dead lake monster fades away. Valara and the remaining soldiers retreat. Sagi collapses and Guillo and Milly accompany him back to the orphanage. After he comes to, the three make plans to return to Alfard to speak with Verus who claims to know more about what happened the night of the Emperor’s assassination.

Back in Mintaka, Guillo dismisses Milly, saying that she can leave now that she’s seen the outside world. Milly refuses, reasoning that she can lead them to Quaestor Verus’ residence much easier than they could find it on their own. Guillo belligerently relents, letting Sagi decide to let her tag along.

The three of them pass by Olgan’s funeral procession and make their way to the plaza in Greater Mintaka, where the imperial candidates will be making their speeches to the people and the senate to judge who should be elected the next emperor. Guillo notes upon Verus’ lackluster speech and asks Milly about the promachination that was mentioned in Baeheit’s speech. The three of them are about to head to Verus’ residence when a bomb goes off in the plaza, throwing the area into chaos. Guillo was the closest to the blast zone, but thanks to its inhuman nature there was little damage. The same can’t be said for the citizens who were also nearby and the three offer to help the bystanders.

After the commotion settles, the group makes their way to Quaestor Verus’ residence where Geldoblame is waiting to bring them to his office. The three are of them are introduced to Verus who remarks about how he’s heard about how Guillo butchered the umbras, and Guillo is none too pleased that Verus seems to know about their exploits already. After Verus asks Sagi to assist his efforts to stop Baelheit’s promachination efforts in exchange for clearing him of the assassination charges and sending aide to the orphanage, the three retire to think it over.

Milly suggests they take a walk to Azha for a change of scenery while Sagi thinks on the Quaestor’s offer. The three of them split up once in Azha and Guillo is immediately grabbed by the local children who begin to play and hang from its frame. The three reconvene once Sagi makes up his mind and return to Greater Mintaka.

“Worry? I don't do that. I just follow you around wherever you go.”

Working Under Verus

Now in the employ of Quaetor Verus, they receive their first task which in catching the Mourning Mistral, the rogue person who set off the bomb in Greater Mintaka. After a series of investigations the three confront Bein in the Lava Caves and engage in combat against the umbra that appears. Once again, Guillo is enveloped in powerful energy and awaits Sagi’s confirmation to kill the monster. As Sagi is hesitating, Valara arrives in her Machina Arma and kills the creature herself. Sagi passes out and the three are transported to the other world.

Sagi, Guillo, and Milly come to in Naos where Seph and the others are meeting about what to do about Wiseman. The plan is to go to Cujam. Milly proposes they go out and explore to try and figure out where they keep ending up during these dreams of theirs. Guillo keeps getting the feeling that this place is familiar somehow. The trio walk out onto a vantage point and see that they are somehow under the sky itself with land stretching as far as the eye can see.

Back in the Lava Caves, the three have to make a hasty escape as Valara’s wanton attacks have destabilized the cave, all the while they are being pursued by the Lord of the Lava Caves. Guillo berates Milly for sleeping through her school lesson on how to slay such a creature, but they kill the creature in the end and return to Verus’ estate.

After debriefing on the situation, Verus gives the bad news that Baelheit overrode the motion to clear Sagi’s name. He requested to see Sagi in person before being exonerated. Guillo believes that walking into Baelheit’s presence would be a death sentence, but Verus reassures them that it’s unlikely that Baelheit will do anything to harm them and Sagi insists that they both go through with it.

Sagi and Guillo enter Baelheit’s residence and meet Shanath, whom they recognize as Emperor Olgan’s killer. He flatly denies their accusations and reminds them that on the books, Sagi is the one who murdered the emperor. They follow Shanath to Baelheit’s office where their meeting is brief. Baelheit only wanted to verify the claims that Sagi was a spiriter, and with that he releases them both. They reunite with Milly and return to Verus. Verus sends the group to Diadem to secure their cooperation in opposing Baelheit’s promachination. After meeting Celsica and the knights of Diadem, the trio chase after King Ladekahn and Gibari through the cloud passage. Guillo is unsettled by the shifting, fluffy environment. They arrive in Nashira and witness the king and Gibari being captured and make a plan to get captured as well to meet up with them. Once together with the two boys, they all make their escape together and after wreaking abit aof havoc on the soldiers who have occupied Nashira, they sneak out of town via the secret passage in Anna’s pub.

Giacomo ambushes the trio on their way back to Sheliak, but is handily beat. Ladekhan and Gibari head back to Sheliak much to the dismay of Rambari who’s just arrived. Guillo comments on their precoscious natures. Back in Shelliak, the empire has invaded and begun installing machina in the heart of the Cloudvents. The party goes in after them and encounters Shanath, Valara, Heughes, and Nasca, prompting a fight over the fate of Diadem’s cloudvents. When the confrontation takes a turn for the worse and King Ladekahn gets captured by Shanath, Rambari’s death triggers the appearance of another umbra. Sagi blacks out and the group is sent to the other world.

Guillo reminds Sagi that they’re stuck here for now, despite how much he might want to get back to the catastrophe they left behind. With little other option, the group heads to Cujam with the four siblings to meet with Wiseman. The meeting goes poorly and the three are sent back to the present.

Back in the Cloudvents, Nasca approaches in his Machina Arma. Despite their best efforts, Sagi, Guillo, and Milly can’t even lay a scratch on the machine and are forced to retreat with the help of Ladekahn. After settling things with Ladekahn, the group returns to Alfard.

They all debrief with Quaestor Verus and learn about the origins of the Afterlings they keep running into before being sent to Sadal Suud. In Perkhad, the empire has commissioned a local artist to draw wanted posters of the three companions which has the town on high alert. Guillo is incensed about the inaccuracies of the illustration and demands they be taken down.

After quieting the rumors, the trio follow Rodolfo and Heughes to Cebalrai, then back to the Lord’s Mansion in Pherkad to try talking to him again. Guillo is unimpressed with Rodolfo’s selfish plan to milk the empire for money, but despite Rodolfo’s reluctance to go forward with promachination, Heughes enters and invites Sagi and crew to Nunki Valley where he’s already begun promachination.

Sagi, Guillo, and Milly are no match for Heughes and his Machina Arma, and soon Shanath arrives with a new threat, an afterling born of a wild animal. Outmatched by the creature, Guillo begins to glow with the now familiar energy and reassures Sagi that it’s almost over, but before the creature can be neutralized, the afterling knocks Guillo out of the way and grabs Milly, forcing Sagi to land the killing blow, sending them all to the other world once more.

The three follow Seph and the others around for a while, fist to Naos, then to Zaurak Keep, before getting sent back to the present.

Guillo prompts Sagi to call Verus after the failure to stop promachination in Sadal Suud. Unfortunately Verus can do little but offer his consolations of their efforts.

“Callous, isn't he? I almost died, and he says "good work"?”

With only one more continent to go, the three set out for Anuenue. En route they are shot out of the sky by a Dark Service patrol ship and crash land in the Holoholo Jungle. After fighting off a Holoholo Bird, the three try to find their way out of the jungle and get hopelessly turned around in the sprawling jungle. Without a landmark stone, they have no conventional way out of the jungle, but with the help of an Oliphant and a Holoholo Fruit, they manage to blaze a trail to civilization.

The three secure an audience with Queen Corelia, but she is unwilling to step in on international affairs. As they’re unable to leave Anuenue with their broken ship though, they ask around to see if anyone on the island might be able to help with their ship repairs. With Corellia busy and with little infrastructure for such things on Anuenue, they venture to Opu Village.

They meet Lolo who claims that with wood from Celestial Tree, she could make parts sturdy enough to work with the machina of their ship. They hear reports of imperial troops in the Veinroots of the Celestial Tree and Sagi volunteers them to help. With the help of Lolo’s gadgets, they make it to where Baelheit’s men are working in the Veinroots and confront Valara and Shanath.

An afterling appears and attacks Valara on behalf of the tree. Sagi impresses on the others that it’s not right to kill these creatures and they agree to target the roots instead, aiming to free it from the dangerous area they’re in. Although they succeed, Valara uses her Machina Arma to kill the afterling anyway, sending Sagi and the others to the other world.

The three are consigned to follow the strangers through Zaurak Keep and watch them make a deal with the Dark Brethren, receiving the power to slay Wiseman. They then follow them back to Naos and realize that this whole time they’ve been travelling back in time to the Age of the Gods. They resolve to try to help Seph and the others while they’re here and follow them to the Battlefields of Atria before Sagi’s headache send them back to the present time.

Surrounded and outmatched by Valara and her men, they retreat once more. Guillo presses them to continue on to ask Corellia for the fell branches they need. With fell branches in hand, Lolo repairs their ship and they finally manage to head back to Alfard.

Baelheit is supposed to make an announcement tomorrow, so Geldoblame offers his room for them to stay the night in the city. Guillo insists they take a moment to go over the facts of their journey so far so they’re all on the same page.

Guillo is of the opinion that they should let Baelheit and Verus sort out their issues between themselves from now on. It’s beyond anyting they can ehlp with. Same with “that mess with the past and the gods.” Guillo tries to convince Sagi that it’s too dangerous, but Sagi steadfastly stands by that what Baelheit is doing is wrong and he can’t just sit by and let it happen. Guillo relents, not about to let Sagi go off on his own.

“Alright. I go where you go. If that's your decision, then I'll go with you, no matter how far. But don't come crying to me later.”

‎The next day the three attend the speeches in the Greater Mintaka square and witness as Shanath brings out Gena as a demonstration of Baeheit’s plan for a ‘no wing’ future. Sagi transforms into an afterling and is shot, sending him to the past. After the Malpercio group murders the entirety of Wiseman’s army, a group of Children of the Earth approach them. One by one the two sorcerers summon their godcraft puppets to kill each of the siblings until they finally arrive at Marno and a past version of Guillo drops from the sky and attacks. After a tough battle, past Guillo lunges forward and stabs Marno through the stomach, killing him.

Guillo and Milly arrive and recount

After getting sent back to the present, Guillo and Milly found themselves back in the plaza where Sagi was on the verge of collapse. During the commotion they grabbed Gena and fled Mintaka to get her back to Hassaleh. They then returned to Alfard to find and rescue Sagi from the Vega Building Site.

They start to look for the best way out of the gloomy construction site and run into Shanath who intends to kill Sagi and the others as well. After their fight with Shanath and his Machina Arma, they listen as he recounts the truth behind the maldeiter project and either kill him or leave him to die.

Guillo’s Origins

The three of them return to Hasseleh to check on Gena. Sagi wants to find something to help Gena’s recovery and vows to scour the whole world for the solution if he has to. Guillo accepts this quest and vows to help the whole way. When Sagi prompts Guillo and Milly if they also have anywhere they’d like to visit along the way, Guillo requests to visit Duhr as it seems clear due to the dreams of the past, that they share some sort of connection.

“I want to know what I am. Why I was made. I might find some answers there.”

Battle Style

Guillo uses a variety of magic based attacks with Ice being the most used element.


Special Attacks



In Other Languages

  • Japanese: Guillo (ギロ)
  • Any additional name localizations
