Constellation Magnus

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Gathering Number Name Location Wikipedia Link
394 Draco
Dropped by Sabre Dragon (100%) Link to Draco
395 Vela
Dropped by Shawra Link to Vela
396 Puppis
Cebalrai: Give Pow Milk to the lady in the house to the right of the shop Link to Puppis
397 Aquarius
Pherkad: Give Pristine Water to the woman in the house near Palolo’s hideout Link to Aquarius
398 Pyxis
Pherkad: Talk to the little girl drawing on the ground at the entrance Link to Pyxis
399 Carina
Nashira: Examine the small fish box against the right wall in the house at the left of the shop Link to Carina
400 Cygnus
Cloud Passage: In treasure chest near the save flower Link to Cygnus
401 Hydra
Castle Elnath: Talk to one of the knights at the right of the room where the injured knights were resting, then help clean up the castle. Speak with the knight near the Diadem Royal Crest to receive your reward. Link to Hydra
402 Pisces
Dropped by Thunderfish (100%) Link to Pisces
403 Triangulum
Dropped by Albiero Link to Triangulum
404 Auriga
Anuenue Port: Bookshelf at the back of the house Link to Auriga
405 Taurus
Ancient Library of Magic: In a treasure chest at the back of the History Section Link to Taurus
406 Equuleus
Holoholo Jungle: In the third area. Climb down the cliff near the entrance and go right to find it in a cluster of several treasure chests Link to Equuleus
407 Lupus
Opu: Examine the pots in the top right corner of the house from where the waterwheel is activated Link to Lupus
408 Perseus
Opu: Talk to the little girl playing on the ground in front of Savyna’s house Link to Perseus
409 Ursa Major
Dropped by Blood Leaf enemies in the Celestial Tree Major_(constellation) Link to Ursa Major
410 Crater
Celestial Tree: Examine the crates inside the right hut at the bottom of the tree Link to Crater
411 Andromeda
Dropped by Gnosis (100%) Link to Andromeda
412 Corona Borealis
Shrine of Spirits: Follow the path going south from the save flower to find a treasure chest Borealis_(constellation) Link to Corona Borealis
413 Piscis Australis
Duke Calbren’s Manor: Examine the drums on the bottom wall in the museum room Australis_(constellation) Link to Piscis Australis
414 Corona Australis
Coccolith: Treasure chest in the top right corner of the second area Australis_(constellation) Link to Corona Australis
415 Virgo
Dropped by Sikri Link to Virgo
416 Hercules
Dropped by Ray-moo Link to Hercules
417 Cepheus
Dropped by Filler Link to Cepheus
418 Capricornus
Dropped by Phantasm (100%) Link to Capricornus
419 Ara
Mintaka: Examine the pots lined up against the left wall inside the troops’ meeting room Link to Ara
420 Lepus
Azha: In the passage leading from the second floor to the third floor. Go right to find a secret passageway leading to a
treasure chest
Link to Lepus
421 Serpens
Azha: Examine the barrel behind the bed in the room to the far right before entering the Lava Caves Link to Serpens
422 Ophiuchus
Dropped by Naiad (100%) Link to Ophiuchus
423 Cancer
Dropped by Thalassa (100%) Link to Cancer
424 Lyra
Dropped by Despina (100%) Link to Lyra
425 Libra
Dropped by Galeata (100%) Link to Libra
426 Delphinus
Dropped by Flobo Link to Delphinus
427 Sagitta
Komo Mai Palace: Talk to the guard next to the room at the left and give him Pow Milk Yogurt Link to Sagitta
428 Leo
Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa: The first treasure chest on your left when you land Link to Leo
429 Sagittarius
Kaffaljidhma: Examine the altar at the back of the ritual room on the third floor Link to Sagittarius
430 Ursa Minor
Cursa: Examine the frozen fish behind the window at the back of the room in the first house of the left part of the city Minor_(constellation) Link to Ursa Minor
431 Scorpius
Imperial Fortress: On the fourth floor, go right all the way until you reach the end of the corridor and go through the hole in the wall to
end up outside. The treasure chest is at the far right
Link to Scorpius
432 Pegasus
Labyrinth of Duhr: Examine a corpse on the ground Link to Pegasus
433 Aries
Algorab Village: Examine the pots at the left of the kitchen in the major’s house Link to Aries
434 Cassiopeia
Algorab Village: Examine the boxes with the book at the right of the window in the top right house Link to Cassiopeia
435 Gemini
Dropped by Ungyo and Agyo in the Tower of Zosma (100%) Link to Gemini
436 Boötes
Gemma Village: In the house with the cluckers. Talk to the man near the fire and listen to his dialogue, then talk to him a second time to receive the magnus Link to Boötes
437 Centaurus
Nihal Desert: Examine the barrels at the left of the shelter entrance Link to Centaurus
438 Canis Minor
Celestial Alps: Go up the slope at the entrance for a treasure chest Minor_(constellation) Link to Canis Minor
439 Canis Major
Dropped by Badwin enemies in Celestial Alps Major_(constellation) Link to Canis Major
440 Corvus
Greater Celestial River: In the area where the save flower is. Go to the end of the passage between the two cliffs at the right and open the
hidden treasure chest
Link to Corvus
441 Eridanus
Dropped by Brokolis in Greater Celestial River. Link to Eridanus
442 Aquila
Zosma Tower: Third floor of the basement. Open the treasure chest in the left corner after clearing the floor Link to Aquila
443 Cetus
Endmost Bethel: Talk to the man who wants you to complete the Star Map and ask him about the next constellation magnus several times until he finally
gives it to you (Only available after finding the other 49)
Link to Cetus